SHOT Show 2018 coverage that no one else covered yet lol
Written by reg mathuszSo, I was able to recover my SHOT Show 2018 pics - just in time for Christmas Holiday Season! I realize that 2019 is just around the corner but I went through them and picked out ones that you may have not seen in an attempt to keep it interesting. (Hopefully) better late than never!
Please excuse the pic angles/sizing/sideways. I seem to be photo challenged tonight with the software and I am trying to get it done in one shot! (Editing to come later!)
The Springfield 911. We haven't heard much buzz about this since introduction. It looks/felt like an unrefined Colt Mustang. The controls felt sharp and stiff. The slide blockier than the original Mustangs (cast perhaps).
I did ask the where it was made and they said that it was the U.S.
Definitely nicer sights than the original Mustang which lacked even dots!
Ok, now you have heard about the lack of new Browning HiPowers. You may have even heard that Browning and FN are still debating about their future. However, when I asked about them I was told that Browning was working on something new and would please BHP fans. I am hopeful that it is not something like a Pro9 or a rebranded FNP/FNS/FNX.
How about a striker-fire BDM? I am just throwing things out there, it could be anything/nothing. A sad day for HiPower fans though.
A couple of shots of the Ruger GP-100 7-shot. I really didn't expect much (it's been done) but I was really impressed with it. The fit/finish/balance and trigger was perfect. If anything this was a nice (smooth) as the old Security6 before the days of the lawyer triggers. I shot the GP100 Match Champion a few years back at SHOT and this had a nicer trigger!
Remember when all GP100 came with the nice mono-grips with wood inlays? These are even checkered!
Beretta was pretty intent on showing off their APX line. This was even before they had the big mag + rebate promo's. There were some 92's but they were sure to tell me that non-rail were on the way out as were the compacts. Seems they sell a lot more fullsize and Centurions.
The Walther PPQsc was one of my favorite new pistols. The trigger and amazing reset are definitely worthy of the PPQ name. It is VERY comparable spec wise to the HK VP9sk. At the time it was odd because it has a traditional American-style button release and HK had paddles. HK now offers them both ways.
HK had my favorite item this year. You had to specifically ask to see it because they kept it under the counter.
However....what's in the case?
Why, it's a thermal detonator!
Lone Wolf Dist has been clearing out their old barrel line and replacing it with U.S. made models. Notice that they have expanded from Glock and now make them for the High Power and Shields (not pictured). I was a fan of their prior inexpensive line, and these are definitely nicer.
I thought that Lone Wolf's prior generations of Glock frames felt and looked somewhat off. These looked great and give you some options. The booth was busy and I did not get the chance to talk to anyone from LWD.
They just simply give you way too many brochures. l think I need a beer.
Yes, there was beer. Not a lot, but it was there. There was a line to get some and this WileyX cup.
Behold! The HiPoint awesome 10mm!
I know I will get some jeers but it looked nice and the folks there were very friendly....and 10mm!
EAA had this additional line of CZ-style pistols made by Tanfoglio. They were all synthetic framed but had pretty heavy, rough triggers in comparison to their main Witness line (also by Tanfoglio). I did not think that they were as nice as the other CZ-style line- by Turkish SARSIMLAZ, that EAA previously carried. Incidentally, I did see that the SAR pistolsbeing marketed independently at their own booth SARARMS/SARUSA. The Pavonas were available in a plethora of different frame colors.
These are made by Canik in Turkey and imported by TriStar. It is somewhat confusing, because I have seen several different importers of Canik products (Canick USA, Century Arms).
However, these are CZ75 style pistols and appear to be very close to them. I was pleasantly surprised by how high quality they felt, including the triggers.
The FN booth is always fun. It's hard to top what you can bring when you are a World renown defense contractor.
The folks at BRCC kept everyone caffeinated at multiple booths! Just Black for me please.
I must have been impressed with the Kimber Eclipse Micro 9 Eclipse since I took a few pics of it. It was VERY well made with easy to use controls and a lot of features not normally found on a subcompact. I assume that it is on the more expensive side. The fit and finish was worthy of the Eclipse moniker.
Front strap checkering
Clever checkering the mainspring housing.
The Kimber Micro Covert 380
I am big fan of 3" revolvers. I was happy to see the Kimber K6s 3" out in real life. Very well down package.
You've probably seen the Colt Cobra in real life now, but did you notice how big the grips are?
And have you seen the Colt Night Cobra?
The Colt Gold Cup Trophy
Steyr pistols! They were hard to find as they were tucked in a corner. Sadly, nothing new in this under-rated line.
Guncraft was at the DSARMS booth, with none other than (FAL) Belgium Black Ale.
And of course (Tactical) American Pale Ale. Good stuff.
Oooohh! A TRP longslide in 10mm!
I want one!
I found the other Canik booth! As you can see this line is striker-fire with polymer frames
A couple of items from RCF that I had not seen before and thought they were a little different:
This was very foreign looking to me at the time, however, sadly we may be seeing more of these types of stocks.
And that's it! Thanks for reading and sorry for the wait!
SHOT Show 2016: CZ-USA (and Dan Wesson Bruin)
Written by reg mathuszAnother one of my favorite booths. This year CZ has some great new variations that I like including a whole new line of suppressor models. I even like the "urban gray" color.
One thing that I am excited about is the new P-01 Omega. I have been asking CZ to bring back the P-02 (basically a P-01 with a locking safety) and this is VERY close. Aluminum framed CZ75 compact with a locking safety--What's not to like?
The Dan Wesson Bruin 10mm also looked great and was very popular. I am curious to see how sales go.
The CZ booth was also interesting because they were one of the few booths to actually question what media I was with. Apparently, there had been some anti-gun media through the booth earlier. I wonder if it was the folks that were kicked out for not following the rules that has been widely reported.
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Big Badda Boom!
Check out the supressor-ready tall sights!
P-01 Omega Urban Gray suppressor ready!
I stopped at this booth by request.
They make some cool inexpensive single-action revolvers. They are known for their "Rough Rider" convertible 22LR/22MAG rimfire revolvers. They are a blast to shoot and quite a bit less than their competitors (that I am aware of). I didn't realize that they offered full size centerfire models also.
(click to enlarge)
DSArms had a cool booth, possibly related it was also a booth with beer on tap. Their new release was a titanium frame FAL. I am not sure how I feel about that. The initial release of the Voyager with the aluminum frame was met with skepticism and took a while to hammer out the problems (mostly their all US made mags).
(click pic to enlarge)
Great ad campaign. I had no idea that they used DSArms FAL's. I neglected to ask which model.
The rep said that they had several angry people come by thinking that the ad condoned the killing of the rhinos. Apparently, some folks didn't take the time to read the ad. Or perhaps they were part of the anti-gun media that was there.
(click to enlarge)
SHOT Show 2016: Ruger (American Pistol and SR-Silent 22 Suppressor)
Written by reg mathuszWow, Ruger is proud of their All-American pistol. They had a whole rack of the on display and a team of reps dedicated to them. None of them paid any attention to me as I scooted past them to look at the RAP.
Well, I personally was not impressed. I will let readers decide if they think that it is an improvement over the SR-series but I did not like the feel or fit/finish. The trigger was ..ummm..not good. I do like the looks of the pistol, but that was about it. It was hard to get a good pic of it even after messing with the camera settings.
The new Ruger Silent-SR 22 suppressor looks great. It was small and VERY light. MSRP is $450, so pricing is affordable. The rep at the booth was very friendly and helpful.
(Click on pic to enlarge)
That's all for tonight, more to come tomorrow.
These are very cool. They appear to be well-made and I took pics of this display (instead of the hands on one) because they had the cut away of their interesting baffle construction. Also, as it happens a person who works for the company that builds the baffles for SIG was there. In short, the message from him was that the baffles are extraordinarily high quality.
(click to enlarge)
The Hornady Iron Press is an impressive piece of equipment. I really like the accessory mount, however, I have to admit I was drawn in and then disappointed that it is not a turret press. They had their line of mini-safes on display too. I have reviewed the entry level model very favorably against the GunVault.
Colt fans don't think that I am being negative towards Colt, because I am a fan -- but I didn't see anything exciting or new at their booth. I can confirm for 10mm fans that the Delta Elite (the current O-frame model) was there again this year. Missing again, was the Enhanced O-frame/XSE displayed previously. I didn't think to ask about it.
Here are a few pics that I snapped while I was there (yes, all from the Colt booth):
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Sarsilmaz (or commonly SARARMS) may not be a name that you are heard of. However, they are a renown firearms maker from Turkey. Their claim to fame are CZ-style pistols. I had the opportunity to shoot several at SHOT in 2014. I was genuinely impressed. I liked them better than the standard line (not the Match series) of EAA Witness Tanfoglios. SARARMS had a very good presence this year also - two separate booths with a lot of items on display.
However, that changed this year. They have introduced several new higher end models which may give pistols like the Witness Elite Match and Witness Elite competition pistols. For those that are not familiar with the higher end Witness line, they really shouldn't even called Witness. They should be re-branded their own line. Anyway, here is one of the new pistols:
It was VERY nice. I asked the rep who the importer is and they responded EAA. Hmm...EAA, who I just compared the pistol to as the primary competition. EAA who already offers several different lines of imported CZ-style pistols? Well, that doesn't seem ideal.
You may have noticed that there are a couple of SARARMS pistols available from companies like CDNN for reasonable prices (sub-$300). They are an extraordinary good by IMO. My only complaint is that they appear to take their own mags, at least without going online and possibly modifying them. I asked the rep about this and he said that he was confident that the new pistols would work with Tanfoglio mags, although of course, recommended theirs.
This year they demo'd something new, that I unfortunately didn't get to try, but the rep said was by far the most popular item at Industry Range Day. I'll leave the pic here and let folks Google as I don't know too much detail. Unfortunately, at this time there is no importer:
This year I decided to end my embargo of going to the "Smith & Wesson" (tm) booth.
I figure that since they are a presenter at the SHOT Show and that I am media that I should be ok going to their booth and showing pictures of their trademarked products without fear of additional threats of litigation. I should point out (per their cease and desist letter) that I am not affiliated with the company or products and that any logos or products shown are registered trademarks of the company.
Anyway, I wanted to go to the booth to meet some really great shooters. I did actually ask the reps a question, which I did not really get an answer to, but I will cover that in a later post. Onto the shooters!
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Julie Goleb and Jim Scoutten!
Julie Goleb!
Jerry Miculek!