Have you guys heard of SwampFoxGunWorks.com?
They have been getting excellent reviews for providing full power 10mm (and other calibers). Several people on various forums have confirmed SwampFox's velocity #'s which are amazing. I just ordered some myself.
Check out this 10mm 200gr XTP load @ 1325fps!
(WARNING: For supported chamber pistols only!)
For those pistols without a fully supported chamber like Glocks and quite a few 1911's I got this load:
10mm 200gr XTP @ 1240fps (still smoking!) I got a box of this too for my Colt Delta Elite.
I have been looking for a "thumper" woods load for camping/hiking/etc. And have selected this 200gr JFP (full power 1325fps). Again WARNING: For supported chamber pistols only!)
These loads are exactly why I bought a pair of S&W 1006's!
They offer 5 round packs so that you can try the ammo, and will custom load to your specs!
They also offer other calibers like 45ACP+P and 357magnum. I am a big Hornady XTP fan, but they do offer other popular bullets too (Golden Saber, SilverTip, Gold Dot, etc).
Can't wait to try it out! (More info to come later)
I am not affiliated, just a big fan of full power ammo.