I like his writing style. Although I am a disciple of sectional density, I also think that the 357 Sig is highly underrated. Hard to argue that a 125gr @ 1350fps doesn't work! A Glock Gen4 is also very good platform for it. Now, if only it was the same price as 40... http://mygunculture.com/2012/09/14/gun-review-glock-31-gen-4-357-sig-glock-357-sauce-anyone/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:%20MyGunCulture%20(My%20Gun%20Culture)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012 13:49

Obama’s DOJ Grants ATF New Gun Grab Authority

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ATF is not the DEA. Please register to vote if you sre noy already. http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/09/obamas-doj-grants-atf-new-gun-grab-authority/#.UFFTgrNe8rQ.twitter

This article on cities becoming militarized echoes my own sentiment and observations of Seattle's executive decrees of gun free zones. http://patdollard.com/2012/09/unnerving-conventions-a-dress-rehearsal-for-the-police-state/

Wednesday, 05 September 2012 12:59

Official now: Democratic Party Platform is Anti-Gun (duh)

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The 2012 DNC Platform calls for reinstatement on the ban on "assault weapons."
What makes me mad is that they act like the ban expired yesterday and its lack of being renewed is responsible for recent oubreaks of violence.

The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban expired 8 years ago!

If the ban was still in effect and the rash of shootings still occurred what would they say then? Well, MORE "common sense" regulations, of course!

It's a win-win for the anti's!

Regulation is a slippery slope. First it is "assault weapons" and "high capacity feeding devices." Next it will be sniper rifles (hunting guns), assault shotguns (your pump shotgun). Don't believe me? There was a recent article about a shooting that called the 45ACP 1911 7-shot pistol used by the shooter as being some sort of man-stopper not suitable for civilian use! In fact, the author lamented that the assault weapons ban would not ban 1911's!

What would that author say about your firearm? I am pretty sure it would not be flattering.

How about "military" weapons not being suitable for civilian use or that the Framers only intended muskets? (Funny, how the 1st Amendment still seems to pertain to the internet, electronic media, and social networking though).

It's not that the Constitution is a living document, or that Democrats such as Michael Moore are able to channel the Founding Fathers, it is that they selectively read and interpret what they want. Anyone can read USC and see who the Militias are (there are two--the organized, and unorganized militias). But they choose not to, and twist the truth because of convenience.

Forget AR15s and hicap pistols--former military issue firearms are: 1911s, da revolvers, sa (cowboy) revolvers, bolt action rifles, and pump shotguns. Not to mention the muskets that anti-gunners claim that we should only be allowed.

Remember when Feinstein said that if she had enough votes that should go house to house and confiscate all firearms? This is a former Speaker of the House, who incidentally spoke at the DNC Convention tonight.

It's not bizarro-world. It's the DNC.

Choose wisely in November, or bizarro-world will become our nightmare reality.

Wednesday, 05 September 2012 12:59

Official now: Democratic Party Platform is Anti-Gun (duh)

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The 2012 DNC Platform calls for reinstatement on the ban on "assault weapons."
What makes me mad is that they act like the ban expired yesterday and its lack of being renewed is responsible for recent oubreaks of violence.

The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban expired 8 years ago!

If the ban was still in effect and the rash of shootings still occurred what would they say then? Well, MORE "common sense" regulations, of course!

It's a win-win for the anti's!

Regulation is a slippery slope. First it is "assault weapons" and "high capacity feeding devices." Next it will be sniper rifles (hunting guns), assault shotguns (your pump shotgun). Don't believe me? There was a recent article about a shooting that called the 45ACP 1911 7-shot pistol used by the shooter as being some sort of man-stopper not suitable for civilian use! In fact, the author lamented that the assault weapons ban would not ban 1911's!

What would that author say about your firearm? I am pretty sure it would not be flattering.

How about "military" weapons not being suitable for civilian use or that the Framers only intended muskets? (Funny, how the 1st Amendment still seems to pertain to the internet, electronic media, and social networking though).

It's not that the Constitution is a living document, or that Democrats such as Michael Moore are able to channel the Founding Fathers, it is that they selectively read and interpret what they want. Anyone can read USC and see who the Militias are (there are two--the organized, and unorganized militias). But they choose not to, and twist the truth because of convenience.

Forget AR15s and hicap pistols--former military issue firearms are: 1911s, da revolvers, sa (cowboy) revolvers, bolt action rifles, and pump shotguns. Not to mention the muskets that anti-gunners claim that we should only be allowed.

Remember when Feinstein said that if she had enough votes that should go house to house and confiscate all firearms? This is a former Speaker of the House, who incidentally spoke at the DNC Convention tonight.

It's not bizarro-world. It's the DNC.

Choose wisely in November, or bizarro-world will become our nightmare reality.

don't know about the source, but a neat wedding gift! http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/entertainment/05-Sep-2012/angelina-gets-shooting-range-in-wedding-gift

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