I don't know if it is media bias. Or just poor journalism but I have read multiple reports of the recent Seattle Gun Back giving folks a $200 Amazon gift card for turning in an "assault weapon" as "defined" by WA State Law.

Oh really? There is no definition as far as I know. I double checked. There is no definition in RCW9.41 (firearms and dangerous weapons). In fact, there is even a section for definitions where it is not. That took me about 2 minutes of online searching.

Here are a couple of links to the poorly researched articles:


They both say:

Amazon.com, which has been expanding its headquarters in Seattle, kicked in $30,000 in Amazon gift cards - $100 for each handgun, rifle or shotgun turned in, and $200 for each gun classified as an assault weapon under state law.

Ever heard of fact checking?

If they can't get this simple legal fact correct (either the definition exists under RCW or it doesn't) can we really expect them to report ANY firearms legal issues?

Now, kudos go to this journalist who actually did some research and spent the 2 minutes to give factual information: http://www.westseattleherald.com/2013/01/10/news/update-firearms-collected-gun-buyback-event-will-

SPD also released details on how to distinguish between a regular gun and an assault weapon (regular guns get $100, assault weapons get $200):

"While the state doesn’t have anything on the books defining “assault weapons”, here’s what our in-house gun experts came up with for the purposes of the gun buyback: [snipped...generic Feinstein 1993 AWB definition]

Thank you West Seattle Herald for being actual journalists, doing research, and actually updating your article to reflect correct information.

I was considering Geico for motorcycle insurance. Not any more. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/01/geico-cancels-auto-insurance-because-policy-holder-makes-gun-parts-for-a-living/

A lot has been about Feinstein's "2013 Assault Weapons Ban" but up until now I had been unable to find any actual sources of the bill introduced Thursday. Today an entry appears for it in THOMAS (thomas.loc.gov), but no text.

CNN ran an article (http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/24/politics/feinstein-bill-details/index.html) titled "What's in Feinstein's gun bill" with the actual text of bill. But you can't copy it, save it, or copy/paste it. The "text" option doesn't even convert it correctly. Weird, why so protective?

Anyway, a little more fishing found the bill on Feinstein's own website here: http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?File_id=9a9270d5-ce4d-49fb-9b2f-69e69f517fb4

I attach the PDF it to this post in case it should disappear.
Read it and then call your legislators.

People thought that the AWB in 1994 would never pass. This is one is far worse.

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