to borrow an old campaign slogan....If you are not outraged--you are not paying attention.

Sword...machete...butter knife....pencil...that's news accuracy nowadays...weird story though. I repost it because of the news media portrayal of "assault weapons" and "bullet proof vests." Makes you wonder about what else they are misleading/wrong about. WA: Sunnyside man uses sword to stop intruder inside his home -- thegunwire (@thegunwire)

Saturday, 25 August 2012 14:02

R.I.P. Mark Craighead from Mom With a Gun

Written by

May Mark Craighead rest in peace. He was a pioneer in holster making (look how many copies there are now) and a gentleman to work with.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012 11:48

CPD Purchases New Firearms: FN FNS |

Written by|topnews|bc|large Can't get any better than being made just down the road!

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