Really not clear what this student was supposed to do? Stand by and let the other student get shot?
Stand by and let himself get shot?
Some much for "gun free zones."


This student should be heralded as a hero.

A 16-year-old student from Fort Myers, Fla., was suspended for three days after he wrestled a loaded gun away from another student on the school bus.

The Cypress Lake High School student grappled a loaded .22-caliber RG-14 revolver away from the 15-year-old suspect on the ride home Tuesday.

Witnesses say the suspect, a football player, aimed the weapon point-blank at a teammate and threatened to shoot him.

“I think he was really going to shoot him right then and there,” said the student who wrestled the gun away and who requested to be unidentified.

“No doubt he was going to shoot him point-blank,” he added.

According to, the student was suspended for his role in an “incident” in which a weapon was present and given an “emergency suspension.”

“It’s dumb,” he said. “How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?”

“We cannot discuss specifics involving students,” district spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said in a statement, according to “Florida law allows the principal to suspend a student immediately pending a hearing.”

Principal Tracey Perkins refused to comment.

The 15-year-old suspect was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm on school property and assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, reports.

On a Sunday talk show, as reported by the Illinois State Rifle Association, police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy said that firearm owners who lobby their representatives, or who donate money to political campaigns, for pro-Second Amendment issues are guilty of corruption and of endangering public safety.

I kid you not. Since when is having a certain position or supporting your cause against the law? This is the mentality that we are up against -- if someone doesn't like something they outlaw it. This is the top cop from the 3rd largest PD in the U.S.! His views on the Constitution are even more frightening.


The embattled police chief — who previously blamed “government-sponsored racism” and Sarah Palin for Chicago’s gun-related violence, and who once said the Second Amendment itself was a threat to the nation’s security, according to a report by Red State — also said judges and lawmakers should focus more on public opinion polls when considering constitutional matters, the ISRA reported.

On Sunday, Superintendent McCarthy also said the Second Amendment does, in fact, allow for governments and police agencies to impose mandatory liability insurance requirements on gun owners, and that GPS tracking devices can be lawfully affixed to firearms sold to civilians, according to the ISRA.

ISRA spokespeople hit back.

“Garry McCarthy’s understanding of our Constitution barely qualifies him as a meter maid, never mind the chief of the nation’s third-largest police department,” said ISRA executive director Richard Pearson. “What on earth would possess McCarthy to assert that constitutional rights should be meted out based on public opinion polls?”

Mr. Pearson reminded, in the Red State report, that if public opinion polls were the deciding factors for constitutional law, women may never have received the right to vote.

“It has been said that our Constitution exists to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority,” he said in the Red State report. “McCarthy’s view of our Constitution is dangerous and unbecoming of a civil servant.”

A lot of criticism has been levelled at Armalite for their NY policy. However, in support for the 2nd Amendment they funded this video. It is a very good video demonstrating the amount of time required to reload - first using standard capacity mags (high capacity to some) vs restricted capacity 10 and then 6.

They use two different shooters to show that the lack of time difference (a couple of seconds) was not rigged due to shooter.

I have never seen so many draconian laws proposed.

I have never seen such a focused mainstream media assault.

I have never seen the Executive Branch continuously evangelize gun control.

And it is a truth be darned onslaught - Examples: Biden doesn't seem to know that machine guns are actually legal for civilian to buy/own, mainstream media calls any tactical vest bullet-proof body armor (Lanza and today's MIT hoax). I think if they were wearing a fishing vest they would call it a bulle-proof vest. If a firearm can be called an "assault weapon" it is. If it is a semi-auto of any type it is called out. "Clips" [sic] and ammo, even if not involved (kept at home) are always enumerated.

Never mentioned is how many current gun laws were already being violated. CT has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the Nation! including much of which is being promoted as needed by other states!

They rarily talk about the drugs or medical treatment the assailant had or was undergoing. I hear mental health mentioned (as of late) but little about its failings and how it is going to be fixed. Apparently gun control advocates believe that gun shows are the real enablers to these killers.

The 2nd Amendment is openly being called 'antiquated' and 'obsolete' (because we can pick and choose from it. The anti-gun people and media spin is in overdrive and they are not pulling any punches.

And in response to the above I have never received so much direct correspondence from firearm companies to act and contact my legislators.

Law enforcement seems to be split and this confuses me. Previously I posted a national newspaper article which questioned whether or not law enforcement should even be armed with a poll! This article basically lumped law enforcement with lawful gun owners - it said we were all potential criminals!

When a Canadian Police Officer goes home for the day they are required to CHECK IN their sidearm!

Law enforcement - at the end of the day are civilians. When you retire you are a civilian. I urge you take this into consideration. You may be issued a sidearm today, but what about tomorrow? Please stand with lawful gun owners and oppose these new draconian firearm restrictions -

you know as well we do that a criminal is not going to go to his local police station for a background check.

You know that maniacs are always choose targets that are the least defended and easiest targets. The

Newtown Shooter said he picked the school, a "Gun Free Zone,"

on purpose because of this.

Let me also remind you that New York currently doesn't even honor your right to carry a firearm as professional courtesy - even though it is Federally legislated!

As for vendors/gun companies standing to boycott NY's ridiculous, arbitrary, and ex-post facto new laws:

Here is a recent Y! News Article that talks about the boycott and law enforcement. It surprisingly is a decent article. The criticism is good. I hope that the bigger companies take note. They need to stand with us or they face their buying public being outlawed. The flaw is that they think that they don't realize they face themselves being legislated out of existence too.

Thursday, 21 February 2013 15:21

Ruger suspends instructor program sales

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Hello all,
I am sad to report that I am told that Ruger has suspended sales through their instructor sales. To be re-evaluated in June.

For those that didn't know Tacoma PD (TPD) located in Tacoma, WA has for the last 10 years has issued a Kimber 4" 1911 (Pro Carry II or Pro Carry HD) or a Glock (22, 23, or 21).

According to the 2013 Glock Annual that has now changed. They are dropping the Kimbers in favor of Glock Gen4 pistols. Additionally, they have added 9mm to the list of approved calibers (already 40 and 45). They say that it is easier to have one platform to train, and reduced maintenance costs. I assume lower initial purchase cost was a big factor also.

Transition training is anticipated to be from Jan - June 2013.

This is a good win for Glock too, having recently lost WSP and a (lot) of Corrections to the S&W M&P. While I am a Glock fan (as well as M&P), I am sad to see TPD no longer as one of the fairly large PD's (3rd largest city in WA) issuing a 1911.

The 21 is the most popular choice (40%), followed by the 17 (33%), 19 (13%), 22 (10%), 30 (2%) and 23 (1%).

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