Gun companies refuse to exempt Law Enforcement from civilian restrictions / LATimes article saying all gun owners are potential criminals
Written by reg mathuszThese guys are my heroes. I am a HUGE supporter of law enforcement. However, they need to stand with the citizens they support. Push comes to shove they are civilians too. They are not military and will not be exempt from draconian requirements.
Don't believe me? Did you know that Canadian police officers are REQUIRED to turn in their guns at the end of their shift?
Here is an LATimes article that argues that all law-abiding citizens are threats and shouldn't firerarms. It even has a POLL asking if police should be allowed to be armed! Outrageous.,0,2714385.column
These folks are coming for guns and it doesn't matter if you are law enforcement or not. They have no disregard for innocent until proven guilty - they have anti-gun agenda- Period.
Gun companies taking a stand:
NIJ memo admits goal is 'draconian' gun control
Written by reg mathuszThe anti-gunners have been planning 'draconian' (their words) gun control for some time and they admit that they must trick the American Public into accepting it. They are going to use dramatics and emotional appeals Think it doesn't work? - Just look at Australia, Britain, Canada, etc. Rights lost are never regained!
This is not a drill -- this is REAL folks.
Please contact your legislators immediately!!
Criminals don't follow laws, or submit to universal background checks, or turn in their banned items. Duh.
is available in downloads and from the source:
Thanks RM!
WA State anti-gun agenda begins: in home inspections for owners of hicap mags & assault weapons
Written by reg mathuszFrom NRA-ILA today:
Washington: Your State Legislators MUST Hear from You TODAY
Pressure is building in Olympia to pass House Bill 1588, which is a bill that could criminalize private transfers of firearms and lead to handgun registration. It is absolutely imperative for your state legislators to hear from you TODAY.
Yesterday, House Bill 1588 was heard by the House Judiciary Committee. Sponsored by state Representatives Jamie Pederson (D-43), Mike Hope (R-44) and thirty-six other state representatives, HB 1588 could criminalizeall private sales of firearms. This bill mandates a $20 fee (tax) to conduct a background check. All private firearm sales would be required to be brokered by licensed gun dealers and it is unlikely that $20 would cover their cost. A likely outcome is dealers refusing to process these transactions, potentially bringing all legal private firearm sales to a halt.
HB 1588 is unworkable in its current form, as it conflicts with federal law. Furthermore, if it was able to be implemented as drafted, it would create a database of all privately sold handguns since ALL dealer handgun deliveries are registered with the state.
This bill is nothing more than a regulatory scheme that would create a huge burden for law-abiding citizens, would be unenforceable and would be ignored by criminals anyway. It is truly nothing more than a precursor to Universal Firearm REGISTRATION! For more information on this misguided measure, please see our previous report.
HB 1588 is scheduled for vote in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, February 19 at 10:00 a.m. The contact information for committee members is provided below.
Also heard yesterday was House Bill 1676, sponsored by state Representative Ruth Kagi (D-32) and thirteen other state representatives. This so-called “child access prevention” bill would single out the storage of firearms for criminalization under certain circumstances. Today, fatal firearms accidents are at an all-time low and are at the bottom of the list of causes of accidental harm to children.
Washington’s current reckless endangerment statute already provides a remedy to address the rare incident of negligent storage and, more significantly, there is a civil remedy available that provides for civil action by the parents of a minor child who is injured or killed.
Please contact your state Representatives and state Senator TODAY and urge them to oppose HB 1588 and HB 1676 and all other attacks on your Second Amendment Rights! To find your elected officials and their contact information, please click here. You may also contact your state Senator and Representatives by calling the toll-free legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000.
The latest attack on law-abiding gun owners comes in the form of a ban on so-called “assault weapons” and magazines that hold more than ten rounds. Senate Bill 5737, just introduced by state Senators Ed Murray (D-43) and Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-36), would ban the sale of commonly owned semi-automatic firearms. This bill would ban the manufacture, transfer, possession, purchase and sale of firearms arbitrarily defined as “assault weapons”, semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by law-abiding citizens for self-defense, based on mainly cosmetic features!
SB 5737 would also ban the possession of any semiautomatic firearm along with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds. A violation of these, and other provisions listed in the bill, is a class C felony. Owners of these firearms could keep them IF they subjected themselves to annual in-home inspections by law enforcement and complied with stringent and impractical storage and transportation requirements.
Your NRA-ILA will continue to keep you informed on these and other important bills. Thank you for continuing to contact your state lawmakers - they must hear from you now!
House Judiciary Committee:
Representative Jamie Pedersen (D-43), Chairman
(360) 786-7826
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Representative Drew Hansen (D-23), Vice Chairman
(360) 786-7842
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Representative Jay Rodne (R-5)
(360) 786-7852
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Representative Steve O'Ban (R-28)
(360) 786-7890
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Representative Roger Goodman (D-45)
(360) 786-7878
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Representative Mike Hope (R-44)
(360) 786-7892
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Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-27)
(360) 786-7930
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Representative Steve Kirby (D-29)
(360) 786-7996
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Representative Brad Klippert (R-8)
(360) 786-7882
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Representative Terry Nealey (R-16)
(360) 786-7828
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Representative Tina Orwall (D-33)
(360) 786-7834
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Representative Mary Helen Roberts (D-21)
(360) 786-7950
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Representative Matt Shea (R-4)
(360) 786-7984
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Gun bill hearings to be held tomorrow (WED) in Olympia, WA!
Written by reg mathuszFrom an NRA-ILA email:
WASHINGTON: Attend Critical Gun Bill Hearing this Wednesday in Olympia
Two anti-gun bills are scheduled to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee this Wednesday, February 13. This hearing will begin at 8:00 a.m. in House Hearing Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building in Olympia. Please attend this critical hearing and express your opposition to the following bills:
House Bill 1588, sponsored by state representatives Jamie Pederson (D-43), Mike Hope (R-44) and 36 other state representatives, would criminalize the private sale of firearms. HB 1588 is nothing more than a regulatory scheme which would create a huge burden for law-abiding citizens. It would require that anytime you sell any firearm to a family member or friend, you will have to go through a gun dealer or law enforcement agency and pay a $20 fee (tax), with no guarantee of timely processing. Additionally, while Concealed Pistol License (CPL) holders are currently exempt from having to undergo a background check when purchasing a firearm from a dealer, there is no provision in HB 1588 extending that CPL exemption to private sales. For more information on this misguided measure, please see our previous report.
House Bill 1676, sponsored by state Representative Ruth Kagi (D-32) and thirteen other state representatives, is a so-called “child access prevention” bill which would single out the storage of firearms for criminalization under certain circumstances.
Today, fatal firearms accidents are at an all-time low. Firearm storage legislation ignores the fact that Washington gun owners are extremely responsible with their firearms and that firearms are involved in a disproportionately low number of fatal accidents among children. Children are about thirteen times more likely to die as a result of drowning, thirteen times more likely to die by suffocation and about seven times more likely to die in a fire than to be fatally injured with a firearm in the state.
Not only is HB 1676 misguided in that it is demonizes firearms, it is also unwarranted. Washington’s current reckless endangerment statute already provides a remedy to address the rare incident of negligent storage. More significant, however, is the civil remedy available which provides for civil action by the parents of a minor child who is injured or killed. The prospect of losing your own child, or facing civil litigation brought by the parents of a young victim, should serve as greater motivation to store firearms responsibly than the criminal penalty provided in this legislation.
It is critical that you contact your state Representative TODAY and express your opposition to HB 1588 and HB 1676.
You may also contact your state Representative by calling the toll-free legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000.
WA State Capitol Campus is one of few without firearm restrictions
Written by reg mathuszAn interesting article from the Seattle Times:
Some excerpts:
Carrying guns on the Capitol campus has long been allowed in Olympia. It’s seldom discussed, rarely criticized and speaks volumes about the debate over gun control this session.
In fact, Washington’s Capitol is one of the few in the country with no restrictions on firearms.
Of the 42 states that responded to the survey, only Washington, Texas and Kentucky indicated they had no restrictions on carrying weapons at their capitols. Eight states allowed people with concealed-weapons permits on campus, and the rest restricted firearms to law-enforcement and security staff.
Interesting to note the folks that support banning firearms on campus even though there has NEVER been an incident. Shows the predisposed bias (hoplophobia) that some inherently have against firearms - even though they are just inanimate objects.
Pelosi "I know the Consitution": Speaks of 1st Amendment (!) Right to Keep & Bear Arms and workplace recreation/hunting
Written by reg mathuszShe is one of our Senators. She represents CA. She writes and votes on legislation (although by her own admission doesn't read it first). And as she says:
I know the Constitution.
Well. She doesn't. And she doesn't even know she doesn't.
From which has video:
“We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves. in their homes and their jobs, whatever, and that they — and the workplace and that they, for recreation and hunting and the rest,” Pelosi inarticulately told Wallace."
Apparently we have the right of workplace recreation and hunting.
If you haven't contacted your legislators yet, I urge you to do so immediately. I have posted the letter I wrote as a sample, as well as links to finding and contacting your legislators.
My sample letter:
What I wrote to my legislators -- a sample -- please contact yours now!
Written by reg mathuszAutomated letters are great and certainly better than nothing but I believe that a personally crafted letter to your legislator will have most impact. The folks processing these letters can tell the difference between a one-click response and one that is actually written.
Several folks have expressed that they do not know what to write. Below I have included what I wrote and sent to my Senators and Representative. Interestingly only (1) responded back at all (not even auto-generated replies from the other two).
Feel free to use it as you like or take pieces from it. You may not agree with everything I say, or feel it reflects your tone -- I simply hope that it gives you ideas to craft your own. If nothing else please contact your legislators!
CA has just introduced draconian legislation to best even NY's recent laws. The time to act must be now!! It just takes a few clicks!
Who is your Representative? Find out here ->
Who are your Senators? Find out here ->
Here's what I sent to my legislators:
Dear Senator, I am writing in opposition to S.150 et al. Rhetoric on both sides is heated/debated so I will keep this brief.
1. Criminals don't obey laws. You are punishing lawful gun owners.
2. This is a supposed response to the Newtown Shooting. However, nothing in this bill or any proposed legislation would prevent this in the future (No bans, background checks, etc.) See #1 above. Even VP Biden has stated this and says that since public mood has changed is a good opportunity to push gun control. Ironically, CT already has many of the proposed controls in place. The Newtown shooter violated multiple laws, adding more would change nothing. If his mother did not have the firearms to steal (remember he killed her over) he would have found alternate means of destruction. He was not hindered by a "gun free zone." The worst U.S. school massacre was done with an explosive device - not a firearm.
3. This Bill is poorly written and ambigious. The military-like features provision is very interpretive. In particular the "pistol grip" definition could fit any firearm. It specifically bans "thumb-hole" stocks--I am not aware of ANY military firearm that uses a thumb-hole stock. These are cosmetic restrictions. What's next? All semi-autos like Australia?
4. A 10-shot magazine ban is arbitrary. Folks fear that it is just a stepping stone and will be reduced. Not so crazy when you look at NY's recent passage of a 7 shot limitation, now followed with similar bills in NJ, CT, Minn. In fact, there is a bill in CT to limit magazines to 1 shot!
5. A lot of folks are proposing confiscation (see NY's original draft) and the passed legislation requires that >7 shot mags be turned in or shipped out of state! Ex Post Facto? No grand fathering? It is not much of a stretch to think of the potential that once their "registry" of firearms is up and running that they simply rule that owners do the same thing.
6. Last but not least, the Constitution. I know this is hotly contested but I will quote James Madison, the man who wrote the Bill of Rights, from the Federalist Papers: "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." The Founders knew what they were doing.
Additionally, I think that if a school decides that it wants armed security, police, or even wants to purchase metal detectors that we should help. The arguments that the kids will be traumatized are silly -- they go to the bank, mall, concerts, sporting events, airport now without a second thought.
Thank you for your time.
Feinstein & Boxer in lala land: Asks CA civilians & police to lay down arms ushering in peace
Written by reg mathuszThis illustrates that Senators Feinstein and Boxer live in LA LA LAND. They are asking as a sign of how the people want gun control for civilians AND law enfocement to lay down their arms!
“The Senators feel the best course of action is to remove all weapons from law enforcement and private citizens so no one else gets hurt,” said a Senate communications intern. “When the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in…. that’s just human nature.”
Throughout the day, Senators Feinstein and Boxer made desperate pleas for their California constituents to turn in their guns and not confront the crazed gunman because this would be a perfect test of their anti-gun proposals.
Here is a great article/source:
SeeCamp's wonderful captive dual-spring recoil system & how everyone copied it...
Written by reg mathuszGlock Gen4s get a lot of flack for using a captive dual-recoil spring.
Ironically, Gen3s used them also but they were limited to their subcompact line: 26/27/etc. and also the much larger (although still called sub-compact) 29/30, etc. Other companies have quietly adopted them too, including S&W. I wonder how long until other companies adopt them for their full size pistols?
Now there have been some problems with the Gen4s dual-springs when used in the full-size pistols. It appears it has more to do with trying to use the same spring for multiple calibers. Something that Glock is famous for - instead of another part they slightly vary the mass/weight of their slides and use the same Recoil Spring Assembly (I will use Glock's acronym "RSA" here out).
The fix? A new recoil spring. According to Glock this was to reduce perceived/transmitted recoil to the shooter but also to reduce "battering" to their pistols. During their Armorer's course they specifically listed the 40 S&W as hard on pistols. They didn't say it but they implied that law enforcement guns had to be replaced/rebuilt mroe frequently than they would like.
You may have seen me refer to this captive system as the SeeCamp recoil system. SeeCamp was a pioneer in sub-compact pistols. They built a pistol and the dual-recoil system that actually works. I have attached their patent 4201113 from 1980. LINK to PDF: US4201113. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any actual pics.
The Glock 26 RSA from
But Glock isn't the only one. Let's take a look at a few others in no particular order...
Colt Defender from:
Kimber (Aeigis, CDP, etc):
S&W 659:
S&W Shield:
Springfield XDS:
I include the S&W 3rd non-captive but still dual spring because it is similar (secondary spring is used as a buffer):
Along somewhat similar notes Colt has been using dual springs for a while. Both the Delta Elite, Officers, and Mustang use dual springs of different weights and circumference so that one fits inside the other.
Colt Delta Elite:
Colt Mustang:
ParaOrdnance P10:
So you can see that Glock is not alone in using the SeeCamp as "inspiration." All from a design and a sub-compact pistol made over 30 years ago! Glock, AFAIK is one of the few to put them into a mass production full size pistol. One has to wonder too...the S&W M&P Compact uses a standard single spring RSA. However, the Shield as we can see uses a dual-spring. hmm..